Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On the eve of Ash Wednesday

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent.  Cate told me today that her Chapel discussion group from school have all decided to give up sweets together for Lent.  I reminded her that "giving up something" is the same as fasting from it.  She groaned and said, "So, you're telling me that our fasting project is like having Lent for seven whole months!"  Yep.  That's what I'm tellin' you.

Tom and I have been asked to share a little bit about FFE at our Ash Wednesday service tomorrow night.  We are humbled and a little nervous.  {I am anyway.  I am not a natural born public speaker.}  Though we're not even 2 full months into it, I know I won't be able to do anything more than skim the surface of what we're experiencing.  In our few minutes of talking we'll also invite people to participate in a study on fasting that Tom and I will be leading during Lent.  We'll tie together the scriptural and historical roots of fasting with some great passages from Jen Hatmaker's book, seasoned with a few of our own experiences as well.  All I know is I'm expecting the Spirit to show up tomorrow night since, on my own, I'm sorely lacking.  Please pray that our Pastor's and our own words will touch people's hearts, moving them to experience Lenten fasting in ways that reflect the Lord's will for them.

We pray that this Lenten season brings you "to know Christ -- to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings."  (Philippians 3:10)

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